Are You Financially Intelligent? Find Out.
The present age of financial deficiency demands us to be smart and wise earners, savers and investors. It is more than important to have enough knowledge and experience along with common sense and presence of mind to tackle and mange the ever dynamic money. It is the call of the time to be financially intelligent. The global monetary and fiscal crunch has played a role in giving birth to the most fearful phenomenon called debt, which in turn had borne the ideas called ‘debt relief’ such as debt settlement, debt consolidation, credit counseling etc. Nevertheless these have provided but insufficient comfort from the ill and far reaching effects of debt and bankruptcy. Thus, above all each individual has to separately confront and fight against this demon and drive it away, and one should start early to get victory over all money related deficits. It is therefore most significant to gain and attain financial intelligence. Gone are those days when teenagers and young adults would often ignore family financial facts and would either take it for granted or would put the complete worries on their parents. Self analysis can help one to find out whether one has enough financial intelligence to deal with your shortcomings, apart from having financial independence.
First of all, a financially intelligent person will have the diligence and sincerity to earn well along with the art and perseverance to save, together with the wisdom and knowledge to invest carefully. To add to it, a financially intelligent one would know, grab and understand all the ambiguities, legalities and complexities regarding any kind of monetary dealings. Financial intelligence also signifies the ability of a person to scrutinize a large amount of transactional data or in depth financial documentations. Financial intelligence also suggests proper and regular acquaintance with the latest and current financial news, laws and conceptions. The person most importantly, would have the knowledge, information and clarity about all the wise and profitable investment policies and returns and would be updated about the proper period of investing and compensating in the market. He/she will strive to create money from both active and passive sources through courage, confidence and right comprehension, without giving any hint of hesitation to know and learn any process or aspects of finance or money.